The Tulia Trust has donated 140 bags of cement to Halinji and Nsalaga Primary Schools in the city of Mbeya to support ongoing classroom construction in those schools. The donation was presented by the Director of the Trust, who is also the Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania, Dr. Tulia Ackson. During the handover of the donation, Dr. Tulia Ackson emphasized the importance of distinguishing between the aid provided by the Trust and political matters.
“Tulia Trust has been providing support here regularly, not just today, and most of the time, I don’t have to be present. But today, I came personally to clarify this because some people might start mixing things up. It’s not the campaign period yet, and candidates have not been nominated, so everyone should be at peace.” – Dr. Tulia Ackson
“When we give these contributions, it’s not that we have a lot of resources, no. I urge fellow citizens, as a community, even those with little means, to continue contributing whenever necessary to enable our children to study in good conditions because we don’t know if the next President might come from these very schools.” – Dr. Tulia Ackson
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