The Speaker of the Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania and Member of Parliament for Mbeya Urban, Hon. Dr. Tulia Ackson (MP), greeted entrepreneurs during her arrival at the Women Entrepreneurs Empowerment Day in Mbeya Region on March 5, 2022, at Ruanda Nzovwe grounds in Mbeya City. A total of 78.1 million Tanzanian Shillings were disbursed to 601 women entrepreneurs on this occasion.
”Women have the responsibility to engage in entrepreneurial activities to find solutions to small challenges within their families and also to support their husbands due to the hardships of life. This will help families have a better income. For those who are not married, do not be discouraged; use this as a starting point for empowerment in your community and lift yourselves economically” – Dr. Tulia Ackson.
The Speaker of the Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania, Member of Parliament for Mbeya Urban, and Director of Tulia Trust, Hon. Dr. Tulia Ackson (MP), empowered entrepreneurs through her Tulia Trust organization at an event held on March 5, 2022, at Ruanda Nzovwe grounds in Mbeya City. A total of 78.1 million Tanzanian Shillings were disbursed to 601 women entrepreneurs. Among the guests who participated were the District Commissioner of Mbeya Urban, Hon. Dr. Rashid Chuachua, and the Head of Oryx Tanzania Gas Company, Mr. Benoit Araman.
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